ASR hits 3,000 followers on Facebook!

Aid Still Required just reached 3,000 followers on Facebook–here’s to getting 10,000 before the end of the year! Can you help us get there by forwarding our Facebook page to all of your friends and family and consider adding our link to the signature of your e-mail? We need an army of ASR Angels out there spreading the word about what we do!

Getting the word out about the real need that faces people who have experienced environmental disasters and human crises is half the battle and our Facebook and Twitter followers help us make that happen. With 3,000 (now 3,001!) Facebook and 5,347 Twitter followers, we have a network that can go out and spread the word about what Aid Still Required does and why it is so important.

The next test is developing the effective and efficient programs in those places to help develop them sustainably and in an environmentally friendly fashion.

This is what Aid Still Required does. See for yourself at and interact with ASR over Facebook and Twitter so we can be in conversation about how to best serve the communities with which we work. New Orleans, Haiti, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Sudan are all still reeling from the environmental disasters and human crises that have rocked them over the last several years. It is Aid Still Required’s job to identify the communities in the most need, work with community members and NGO’s on the ground to figure out how best to sustainably develop those communities and then go to the world to raise awareness and raise the funds to implement those projects.

Thanks for all of your support and we look forward to continuing to work with you to refocus the spotlight on forgotten communities around the world.

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