It has been 8 years since the tsunami that hit Southeast Asia took an estimated 230,000 lives. It was one of worst natural disasters of our time and the region is still recovering from the devastation. Even as the physical structures are rebuilt and the land is cleaned up, the impact on the hundreds of thousands affected by the tsunami will never go away.
This week, the team here at Aid Still Required went and saw the film The Impossible, starring Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts. It documents the true story of the Belon family’s experiences in Thailand on December 26, 2004. It is an incredibly powerful portrayal of the physical impact of the tsunami, the struggle for survival, and the outpouring of love and support offered by those who survived and those who came to offer their services. We highly recommend seeing the movie–it is at times an overpowering representation of this historic and tragic event.
Shortly after the initial wave hit the coastline, a second wave came through and caused additional damage. In the days after the earthquake, a third wave, a wave of thousands of volunteers, descended upon the region to offer emergency services and worked throughout Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the rest of the countries impacted by the tsunami to try and help the region recover from the devastation.
We know, though, that true recovery takes years and for many of the most vulnerable, the aid needed to help make that recovery is gone very quickly. Aid Still Required is focused on supporting programs in Indonesia and Sri Lanka that we believe will have a long term, sustainable effect on the people living there. Projects range from the building of biosand water filters and running small business training for women, to reforestation efforts and supporting the continued viability of a tsunami warning center. By helping to replant the hillsides, protect coral reef and educate about safe fishing practices, we hope to establish the groundwork for long term environmental protection.
Thank you for your continued support of our Tsunami fund so that these programs can continue. To learn more about our work in the region hit by the 2004 tsunami, visit and go to for images of the areas and people with whom we work.