September 22nd marked the LA premiere and Academy Awards qualifying screening of the documentary, The Third Wave. Made by ASR friend, Alison Thompson and her producing partner Oscar Gubernati, The Third Wave chronicles their experiences volunteering in Sri Lanka after the tsunami.
It is a spectacular cinema-verite film, depicting the human reality of what it was like in the days, weeks, and months following the disaster. In 2008, after seeing an early cut of the film, Sean Penn asked for a special screening at Cannes when he was head of jury there. The film is scheduled to open nationally in March 2010.
Thompson continues to stay involved on the ground in Sri Lanka and founded The Community Tsunami-Early Warning Center, the only early warning tsunami system in Sri Lanka. Aid Still Required plans to provide support to CTEC in part through the AllStar Tsunami Relief CD.
With its message that “everyone is needed,” The Third Wave is a moving and inspiring film – put it on your March 2010 calendars!